Dates Khalas

1.00 AED / Pkt
70% off 3.35 AED

Dates Khalas

Khalas dates are moist and sticky, have a hearty flavour and a butter-caramel taste. Very fleshy, they melt warmly in your mouth. ... Slightly dry in texture, they have a subtle flavour and are perfect for those of you who don't like things too sweet

Nutritional Value

Dates are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin B complex, and proteins, offering almost all twenty amino acids.

They also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, and more potassium per weight than a banana.

Many of the nutrients in dates are essential for heart-health, nerve function, and promoting metabolic functions, and the vitamins found in dates are needed for building healthy muscle and body tissue

They have a mild sweetness but fierce health benefits. Jam-packed with fiber, potassium, copper and more

They are a healthy snack choice and are a rich source of energy, vitamins and minerals.