Dates Khudri
Khudri dates are a uniform dark brown color, not too wrinkly (dates can range from smooth to as wrinkly as a prune depending on the variety). The skin of these dates flake a little. Taste: moderately sweet, nice “date” flavour, chewy but not dry. ... Taste: moderately sweet, nice “date” flavour, chewy but not dry
Nutritional Value
Dates are rich in fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin B complex, and proteins, offering almost all twenty amino acids.
They also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, and more potassium per weight than a banana.
Many of the nutrients in dates are essential for heart-health, nerve function, and promoting metabolic functions, and the vitamins found in dates are needed for building healthy muscle and body tissue
They have a mild sweetness but fierce health benefits. Jam-packed with fiber, potassium, copper and more
They are a healthy snack choice and are a rich source of energy, vitamins and minerals.